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The Cosmic Energizer

The text explores the concept of the “Cosmic Energizer,” a divine power within each individual that can be harnessed through thought and imagery to manifest desires and achieve abundance in all aspects of life. It presents techniques for consciously accessing and directing this power via scientific prayer, visualization, and positive affirmations, as well as many accounts of individuals who used this method to improve their lives. The text suggests that aligning conscious and subconscious thoughts with universal principles unlocks the limitless potential of this inner energy. It also touches upon psychic phenomena and the idea of connecting with loved ones who have passed on and exploring powers such as mind-over-matter with case studies of people who claim to have access to these powers. Ultimately, the source emphasizes that awareness and application of this Cosmic Energizer is a birthright, leading to a miraculous and fulfilling existence.

FAQ on the Cosmic Energizer

  • What is the Cosmic Energizer, and how does it relate to God?
  • The Cosmic Energizer is described as a mystical power within each person, equivalent to the presence of God in man. It is the Power of the Infinite, unlimited and inexhaustible, and utilizing this Power is considered a divine birthright. Some individuals also prefer the term Cosmic Energizer to that of God.
  • How can I access and utilize the power of the Cosmic Energizer in my life?
  • You can access the Cosmic Energizer through focused thought, imaging, and scientific prayer. It involves establishing a mental pattern or mold of what you desire and claiming it as already fulfilled. Also, by radiating love and goodwill, and forgiving yourself and others, one can create an open channel for this Divine Energy to flow. Regular, consistent positive affirmations, repeated with feeling, are also crucial.
  • How does the Cosmic Energizer relate to wealth and abundance?
  • The book emphasizes that wealth is a thought-image in your mind. By changing your inner speech and thinking about abundance, freedom, beauty, and luxury, you can attract financial success. It is critical to think constructively about money, visualizing its wise and judicious use. Negative thoughts about money should be immediately reversed with positive affirmations.
  • What role does inner speech or inner conversation play in manifesting desires through the Cosmic Energizer?
  • Inner speech is considered the cause of outer experiences. It is essential to align your inner conversation with your desired aim, such as wealth, and to speak as if you already possess what you seek. This creates a thought-image in your mind that, when repeated, becomes impressed on your subconscious mind and manifests in your life.
  • How does forgiveness contribute to unlocking the power of the Cosmic Energizer?
  • Forgiveness, both of oneself and others, is crucial for releasing the Cosmic Energizer. Harboring negative thoughts about oneself or others creates a blockage. By forgiving others, you clear the channel for Divine Energy to flow freely, fostering inner peace and harmonious relationships, which in turn supports the manifestation of desires.
  • What is the relationship between thought, prayer, and the Cosmic Energizer?
  • Every thought tends toward action and manifestation, and therefore, every thought is considered a form of prayer. Prayer is the response of the Cosmic Energizer to your habitual thinking, imaging, and belief. It is important to direct your thoughts and prayers towards positive outcomes, expressing gratitude and claiming the fulfillment of your desires. Prayer is also considered a dialogue with the Infinite Intelligence within, asking for guidance and solutions.
  • How can the Cosmic Energizer heal the body and mind?
  • The Cosmic Energizer is described as an Infinite Intelligence that is cognizant of all things, including the processes and functions of the body. By recognizing that God is Spirit, and Spirit is whole, perfect, unchanging, and eternal, you can bring about a molecular change in your body to conform to the perfect idea held in the mind of God. Forgiveness and positive thoughts are essential for healing the mind.
  • What are some practical techniques for setting the Cosmic Energizer to work in my daily life?
  • Some techniques include creating a clear mental image of your desired outcome, repeating affirmations (such as “Money is circulating freely and joyously in my life”), engaging in inner conversations as if your desires are already fulfilled, and consciously directing your subconscious mind with specific requests before sleep. You must also be sure not to deny what you are affirming in your thoughts, actions or speech. Finally, one must develop a deep faith that the answers will come.

The Cosmic Energizer: A Study Guide

Quiz: Short Answer Questions

  1. According to the source, what is the Cosmic Energizer, and how can individuals benefit from it?
  2. Explain how “inner speech” and “thought-images” play a role in manifesting desired outcomes, according to the principles outlined in the text.
  3. What does it mean to “forgive yourself” in the context of this book, and why is it essential for releasing the Cosmic Energizer?
  4. Describe how the example of the $40,000-a-year junior executive illustrates the power of mental patterns and claiming desired outcomes.
  5. Explain the significance of recognizing that “God is your instant and everlasting supply” when dealing with financial challenges.
  6. According to the source material, what is the connection between prayer and the Cosmic Energizer?
  7. How can someone “tune in” to the “frequency” of Infinite Life, Love, and Wisdom?
  8. Explain the statement that you are what you eat mentally and spiritually.
  9. In the context of this book, what is the meaning of the word “sin”?
  10. Explain how the story of Charles E. Lloyd illustrates the Cosmic Energizer Plan for Lifetime Abundance.

Quiz: Answer Key

  1. The Cosmic Energizer is described as the mystical power within each individual, representing the presence of God in man. By becoming aware of and utilizing this power, individuals can supposedly influence their lives, businesses, and financial affairs to achieve their desires.
  2. “Inner speech” refers to the silent conversations one has with oneself, while “thought-images” are the mental pictures and visualizations of desired outcomes. Consistently aligning these inner conversations and mental images with one’s goals is believed to impress the subconscious mind and manifest those outcomes into reality.
  3. “Forgiving yourself” in this context involves releasing any negative thoughts or judgments about oneself or others. It means eliminating resentment, self-condemnation, and hostility, thereby creating a clear and open channel for the flow of Divine Energy.
  4. The junior executive created a mental pattern in his mind by claiming the energy and vitality of the Infinite passing through the mold. By consistently reinforcing this mental mold, he was able to eventually realize his financial goal.
  5. Acknowledging “God as your instant and everlasting supply” means shifting from a mindset of lack to one of abundance. It involves trusting that all needs are being met by a higher power, which allows the Cosmic Energizer to flow through and fill any perceived voids.
  6. Prayer is described as the response of the Cosmic Energizer to your habitual thinking, imaging, and belief. It’s a process of aligning one’s thoughts and desires with the Infinite Power and expressing faith that those desires will manifest.
  7. Tuning in involves cultivating a sense of reverence and veneration for the Infinite Life, Love, and Wisdom within oneself. By turning inward and aligning with this Presence, one can supposedly access its guidance, abundance, and peace.
  8. This statement means that the thoughts and beliefs you consume mentally and spiritually have a profound impact on your well-being and experiences. Feast on positive “truths of God,” and whatever you eat physically will be transmuted into beauty.
  9. “Sin,” in this context, refers to “missing the mark” in expressing health, wealth, peace of mind, and true self-expression. It’s the failure to achieve one’s goals or attain one’s full potential.
  10. Charles E. Lloyd’s story illustrates that through a burning ambition to become a lawyer, he followed the divine calling to achieve his ultimate goal.

Essay Questions

  1. Discuss the role of the subconscious mind in the process of manifesting desires, according to the principles outlined in “The Cosmic Energizer.” How can individuals effectively impress their subconscious with positive beliefs and thought-images?
  2. Critically evaluate the concept of “forgiveness” as presented in the source material. How does self-forgiveness relate to personal transformation and the ability to access the Cosmic Energizer?
  3. Analyze the significance of “inner speech” in shaping one’s reality, according to the teachings of Joseph Murphy. How can individuals cultivate positive and empowering inner conversations to achieve their goals?
  4. Explore the relationship between prayer, faith, and the Cosmic Energizer. What are the different forms of prayer discussed in the book, and how can individuals utilize them to connect with and harness the power of the Infinite?
  5. Examine the ethical implications of using the Cosmic Energizer to manifest desires. Does the book promote a responsible and compassionate approach to personal success and abundance?

Glossary of Key Terms

  • Cosmic Energizer: The mystical power within each individual, representing the presence of God in man, which can be utilized to influence one’s life and manifest desires.
  • Inner Speech: The silent conversations one has with oneself, which are believed to have a significant impact on shaping one’s reality.
  • Thought-Images: The mental pictures, visualizations, and sensory impressions of desired outcomes that one creates in their mind.
  • Subconscious Mind: The deeper, subjective level of the mind that is believed to be receptive to suggestions and responsible for manifesting beliefs and thought-images into reality.
  • Mental Equivalent: The establishment of a mental pattern or “mold” in the subconscious mind that corresponds to the desired outcome.
  • Prayer (Scientific Prayer): A method of aligning one’s thoughts, feelings, and beliefs with the Infinite Power, expressing faith, and requesting the fulfillment of desires.
  • Forgiveness: Releasing negative thoughts, judgments, and resentments about oneself or others, thereby clearing the path for the flow of Divine Energy.
  • Omnipotence: The all-powerful and unlimited energy of the universe, which is believed to be present within each individual.
  • Omniscience: The all-knowing wisdom and intelligence of the universe, which can be accessed through intuition and the subconscious mind.
  • Omnipresence: The presence of God or the Cosmic Energizer everywhere, both within and around each individual.
  • Divine Order: The belief that events unfold in a harmonious and purposeful way, guided by a higher intelligence or plan.
  • Abundance: A state of overflowing wealth and prosperity.
  • Psychic Phenomena: Man becomes aware of the tremendous psychic powers within him.
  • Intuition: Inner perception of the thoughts and impressions in the subconscious mind of the applicant, enabling one to make a sound judgment.

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