Henry Thomas Hamblin’s “Within You is the Power” explores the concept of inherent power residing within each individual. The book emphasizes that accessing this power requires understanding and aligning with universal laws and one’s “Divine Source”. Hamblin discusses overcoming life’s difficulties, fate versus free will, and the influence of thoughts on one’s reality and health. He also addresses topics such as achieving success through service, harnessing the subconscious and super-conscious minds, building character by overcoming habits, and finding happiness through spiritual connection. The work cautions against misusing mental and spiritual powers for selfish gains, advocating for using this power for the benefit of others. Finally, the book asserts that by living in harmony with divine principles and using the available spiritual power, individuals can transcend limitations and achieve a fulfilling and purposeful life.

Frequently Asked Questions on “Within You is the Power”
- What is the “Power” Henry Thomas Hamblin refers to, and where does it originate?
- The “Power” is described as illimitable and spiritual, transcending the physical and mental realms. It originates from the Divine Source, or God, and is connected to individuals through the “Divine Spark” within them, which is essentially their true Self. This Power is not accessible until one realizes their oneness with this Divine Source. It’s not merely thought power or the subconscious mind, but a deeper spiritual force that is unlocked through awareness and alignment with the Divine Will.
- How can one overcome life’s difficulties according to Hamblin?
- Overcoming life’s difficulties involves recognizing and using the “Power” within. This Power is accessed through faith in the goodness of life and the Infinite within. It is not about avoiding trouble but meeting it with faith and trust. Difficulties and adversities are opportunities for growth and wisdom. By realizing one’s spiritual identity and the power within, individuals can rise from failures stronger and more resilient.
- Is our future predetermined, or do we have free will to change our lives?
- Hamblin suggests a balanced perspective on fate and free will. He argues that to an extent, our past actions and desires create a “self-created fate” that we are initially bound to. However, as we evolve and choose to follow higher aspirations instead of earthly desires, we gain more freedom. We cannot necessarily avoid certain major life events, but how we meet these events determines whether we are broken or strengthened by them. Ultimately, the plan is bound to be followed but we decide how we follow it.
- What is the relationship between cause and effect, and how does it influence our lives?
- Hamblin explains that our current experiences are the direct result of our past actions and thoughts. This is the principle of cause and effect, where we reap what we sow. However, the law is not vindictive, but remedial, designed for our highest good and spiritual growth. By changing our thoughts and actions in the present, we can create a more harmonious future.
- What constitutes true success, and how can it be achieved?
- True success is defined as achieving something worthwhile that benefits the world and contributes to the common good. It is not merely about material gain but about overcoming weaknesses, helping others, and doing one’s work to the best of one’s ability. Success is built upon service, faith, courage, steadfastness, patience, perseverance, cheerfulness, and strength of character. It is not about forcing success but earning it through valuable service to others.
- How can we achieve better health according to Hamblin?
- Health is closely linked to our thoughts, emotions, and spiritual alignment. Negative thoughts and emotions can disrupt the body’s natural harmony. It is essential to control thoughts, direct them positively, and realize the perfection that is the reality. Spiritual harmony is fundamental to health, requiring a surrender to the Divine Will, forgiveness, love, confidence, and trust.
- What is the key to abundant supply, and how does our thinking influence it?
- Abundant supply is linked to our thoughts and mental attitudes. An attitude of lack or limitation can hinder the flow of abundance, while a consciousness of sufficiency attracts opportunities and resources. It is important to understand that the universe is abundant and that poverty is an illusion created in the human mind. While industry and thrift are still necessary, cultivating an inner sense of abundance is crucial.
- What are the powers and limitations of the sub-conscious mind, and how can we best utilize it?
- The sub-conscious mind is a powerful tool but lacks inspiration. It is a willing servant that translates repeated thoughts and actions into habits. We can delegate tasks and problems to the sub-conscious mind, allowing it to work on them untiringly and accurately. However, it’s crucial to provide the sub-conscious mind with accurate information, as it works logically based on the input it receives. The spiritual mind can be accessed for divine wisdom and originality.
Within You is the Power: A Study Guide
Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each.
- According to Hamblin, what is the nature of the Power that lies hidden within man?
- How does Hamblin describe the relationship between man and the Divine Source?
- How does Hamblin say that one can meet adversities?
- What does Hamblin say is the role of fate versus freewill in shaping a person’s life?
- How does Hamblin explain the law of cause and effect?
- What qualities does Hamblin say are needed for a person to be successful?
- According to Hamblin, what is the relationship between thoughts and health?
- How does Hamblin describe abundance and supply, and how does one achieve it?
- What are the powers and the limitations of the subconscious mind, according to Hamblin?
- What does Hamblin say is the greatest object in life?
Answer Key
- The Power is of the Spirit, unconquerable, and transcends the ordinary life, finite will, and human mind. It lies dormant until one is evolved enough to use it wisely. It is also the power by which man either connects with the Infinite Power, or cuts himself off from his Spiritual Source.
- Hamblin describes man as inherently one with the Infinite, never separated from the Divine Source. The separation is a mental construct, stemming from ignorance and unbelief. Realizing this oneness unlocks infinite power and unlimited resources.
- Hamblin says that adversities should be met by calling upon the Power within. Those who rely upon, and have faith in, the Power within them, can never be overwhelmed. By meeting them in the right way we become stronger through discipline and experience, thus becoming better fitted to bear life’s responsibilities and to overcome its difficulties and temptations.
- Hamblin explains that fate is self-created, where the unevolved man is bound to the wheel of fate by his desires. However, man is free to overcome lower things and thus rise to higher, where he ceases to create a painful future for himself and thus becomes free. Free will rests with us by how we follow the plan of life: either with willingness and happiness, or opposition and woe.
- Hamblin states that man reaps exactly as he sows, with life being perfectly just and rewarding every man according to his works. Fate is the drawing together of certain remedial experiences, through which the soul can learn the lessons it has failed to learn in past ages and thus attain wisdom. The object is the highest good of the individual, although it may entail suffering and painful experiences.
- Hamblin lists faith, courage, steadfastness, patience, perseverance, cheerfulness, and strength of character as qualities needed for success. Additionally, success is not given freely; one must work hard and strive for better things to be worthy of respect and high achievement. They also must be willing to serve and to give, instead of to grasp and to grab.
- Hamblin states that thoughts directly impact health, with thinking about disease and sickness actually producing them in the body. Negative thoughts and emotions can lead to ill-health, while positive, constructive thoughts can build up health and harmony. Spiritual disharmony, however, is the root cause of all ill-health and disease.
- Hamblin describes abundance as a state of consciousness, an understanding of the utter falseness and unreality of poverty and lack. Abundance is achieved by understanding the universe is Spiritual, to trust in Divine Providence, and to live in a consciousness of sufficiency rather than focusing on lack. Living a double life, opulent in consciousness but careful in practice, is also important.
- The subconscious mind is the mind of Nature with extraordinary powers and intelligence, but with no inspiration. It is instinctive, animal, and natural; it serves its master by reducing repeated thoughts and actions into habit. It can be made to do more and more work for us if we delegate definite work for it to deal with, such as problems and ideas, as long as it’s given every available piece of information.
- Hamblin says that character building is the greatest object in life. It is the only thing we can take with us when we depart this life.
Essay Questions
- Discuss Hamblin’s concept of “the Power within” and how it relates to his views on individual potential and spiritual growth. How does he believe individuals can access and utilize this power to overcome life’s challenges and achieve a fulfilling existence?
- Analyze Hamblin’s perspective on the interplay between fate and free will. How does he reconcile the idea of predetermined events or challenges with the notion of personal agency and the ability to shape one’s destiny?
- Explore Hamblin’s teachings on the law of cause and effect and its implications for human experience. How does he believe that individuals are responsible for their circumstances, and what role does spiritual awareness play in breaking negative cycles and creating a positive future?
- Examine Hamblin’s views on success and its relationship to character, service, and spiritual principles. What does he consider to be true success, and how does he caution against the misuse of mental and spiritual powers in the pursuit of material wealth or personal gain?
- Evaluate Hamblin’s advice on overcoming limitations and awakening inward powers. What practical steps does he suggest for individuals seeking to break free from negative patterns, develop their potential, and live in alignment with their true spiritual nature?
Glossary of Key Terms
- Infinite: Limitless or endless in space, extent, or size.
- Spirit: The nonphysical part of a person, often associated with the soul or the vital principle.
- Sub-Conscious Mind: The part of the mind that is not fully aware but influences actions and feelings.
- Divine Source: The origin of all life and power, often referring to God or a higher spiritual power.
- Fate: The development of events beyond a person’s control, regarded as predetermined.
- Free Will: The power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to choose one’s actions.
- Character: The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.
- Consciousness: The state of being aware of oneself and one’s surroundings.
- Harmony: Agreement or concord.
- Manifestation: An event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something, especially a theory or an abstract idea.
- Universal Mind: In New Thought and related philosophies, the source of all creation and the interconnectedness of all things.
- Spiritual: Relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.
- Ego: A person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance.
- Omnipotent: Having unlimited power; able to do anything.
- Meditation: The practice of training your mind to focus on a specific object, thought, or activity to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.
- Will: The faculty by which a person decides on and initiates action.
- Occult: Relating to supernatural, mystical, or magical powers, practices, or phenomena.
- Affirmation: A positive statement or declaration used to reinforce a desired belief or goal.
- Black Magic: The use of supernatural powers or magic for evil and selfish purposes.
- Hetero-suggestion: The implantation of thoughts, ideas, feelings, or behaviors in someone else’s mind.
- Auto-Suggestion: A process where one guides one’s own thoughts, feelings, or behavior by repeating positive statements or affirmations.
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