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The Game of Life: How to Play It

Florence Scovel Shinn’s “The Game of Life and How to Play It” is a guide to achieving success and happiness through understanding and applying spiritual laws. Shinn asserts that life is not a battle, but a game governed by universal principles. She emphasizes the power of positive thinking, spoken words, and training the imagination to manifest desired outcomes, such as health, prosperity, and fulfilling one’s divine design. The book outlines various laws, including karma, non-resistance, love, and forgiveness, and offers practical techniques, denials, and affirmations to impress the subconscious mind and overcome negative patterns. Ultimately, Shinn encourages readers to recognize their divine potential and live in accordance with spiritual principles to unlock abundance and fulfillment.

FAQs based on “The Game of Life and How to Play It” by Florence Scovel Shinn

What are the three departments of the mind, and how do they influence our lives?

The three departments of the mind are the subconscious, conscious, and superconscious. The subconscious mind is pure power without direction, carrying out whatever instructions it receives from the conscious mind. The conscious mind is the human or “carnal” mind, perceiving life as it appears with its limitations and impressing these perceptions on the subconscious. The superconscious mind is the God-Mind within, containing perfect ideas and the “Divine Design” for each person. Understanding these distinctions is key to directing your mind to manifest your desires.

How does the subconscious mind work, and why is it important to be mindful of our thoughts and words?

The subconscious mind acts like a recording device, faithfully capturing and manifesting whatever is deeply felt or clearly imagined. Because it lacks the ability to discern, it carries out instructions literally, even if those instructions are jokes or idle words. Therefore, it’s crucial to be mindful of our thoughts and words, as they directly shape our experiences. Negative or limiting beliefs impressed upon the subconscious can manifest as unfavorable circumstances.

What is the “Divine Design,” and how can we discover it?

The “Divine Design” is the perfect plan or destiny that resides within the superconscious mind for each individual. It represents the ideal path and purpose for your life. It often flashes across the conscious mind as an unattainable ideal or “something too good to be true.” To discover it, one must quiet the conscious mind, connect with the superconscious through intuition, and trust in the guidance received, even if it seems improbable.

How can affirmations and spoken words change our circumstances?

Affirmations and spoken words possess tremendous vibratory power. When spoken with faith and conviction, they impress upon the subconscious mind new “records” or beliefs. By consistently affirming positive truths about health, wealth, love, and self-expression, one can break old, negative patterns and create new, favorable realities. The spoken word sets laws in motion that shape our lives.

What is the Law of Prosperity, and how can we apply it to attract abundance?

The Law of Prosperity states that God is our supply, and we can release what belongs to us by divine right through the spoken word and faith. To attract abundance, we must believe that we have already received what we desire, prepare for it, and act as if it is already ours. Overcome doubt and fear, which are the main obstacles to manifesting prosperity. Bless what you already have, and give thanks for what is to come.

What is the Law of Karma, and how does forgiveness play a role in breaking negative cycles?

The Law of Karma is the principle that “whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Our thoughts, deeds, and words return to us with astounding accuracy. Negative actions create negative consequences, and vice versa. Forgiveness, both of oneself and others, is essential for breaking negative karmic cycles. By forgiving, we release ourselves from the bondage of past mistakes and open the way for healing and positive change.

What does it mean to practice non-resistance, and how can it benefit our lives?

Non-resistance means not fighting against unwanted circumstances, but rather accepting them without resistance, placing them in the hands of Infinite Intelligence, and blessing them. This involves refraining from worry, fear, and negative thoughts, and trusting that divine order will prevail. Non-resistance allows for the transmutation of negative situations into positive ones and prevents us from creating further resistance and negative experiences.

What is perfect self-expression, and what steps can we take to manifest it?

Perfect self-expression is the unique and fulfilling purpose that each individual is meant to embody. It is a destiny awaiting manifestation. To manifest perfect self-expression, one must ask for and be open to divine guidance, trust intuition, and pursue activities that bring joy and fulfillment. Fearlessly embrace opportunities, and speak words of faith and conviction to release the needed supply and support for your divine plan.

The Game of Life: A Study Guide


Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each.

  1. According to Florence Scovel Shinn, what is the role of the imagination in shaping one’s life?
  2. Describe the three departments of the mind as outlined by the author.
  3. Explain how idle words can negatively impact one’s life, providing an example from the text.
  4. How can a situation of lack be changed to one of plenty, according to the author?
  5. What role does doubt and fear play in the fulfillment of desires?
  6. What is the significance of “smashing and demolishing” untrue records in the subconscious mind?
  7. Explain how preparing for what you’ve asked for, even when there are no signs, can lead to success.
  8. How does the author describe nonresistance?
  9. Explain how the “law of karma” (or “comeback”) works.
  10. According to the author, what is the Divine Design, and how can one discover it?

Quiz – Answer Key

  1. The imagination acts as “scissors of the mind,” constantly cutting the pictures one sees. These pictures, or creations, eventually manifest in the outer world, emphasizing the importance of training the imagination to create positive images.
  2. The mind consists of the subconscious, conscious, and superconscious. The subconscious is undirected power that executes whatever is impressed upon it. The conscious mind perceives life as it appears, often seeing limitations, while the superconscious mind is the God Mind within, holding perfect ideas and one’s Divine Design.
  3. Idle words, even jokes, can impress negative images upon the subconscious mind, leading to undesirable experiences. For instance, a woman who repeatedly joked about living in a trunk eventually found herself in that situation, as the subconscious mind has no sense of humor.
  4. A situation of lack can be changed to one of plenty through desire, faith, and the spoken word. By blessing existing resources (like the woman who blessed her eight dollars) and having faith in multiplication, one can manifest abundance.
  5. Doubt and fear are the primary obstacles between individuals and their highest ideals. When one can wish without worrying, desires are instantly fulfilled. It’s crucial to erase fear of lack, failure, sickness, and loss to manifest one’s desires.
  6. “Smashing and demolishing” untrue records in the subconscious mind involves using spoken words to eliminate negative patterns and beliefs. This process clears the way for creating new, positive records of health, wealth, love, and self-expression, aligning the subconscious with desired outcomes.
  7. Preparing for what one has asked for, even without signs, involves demonstrating faith and aligning actions with the desired outcome. This “digging of ditches” shows the universe that one believes in the manifestation of their request, making it more likely to materialize.
  8. Nonresistance involves not fighting against negative situations or thoughts but transmuting them into something positive through acceptance and blessing. By releasing resistance and trusting in the divine plan, one allows solutions and good to manifest.
  9. The law of karma, or “comeback,” dictates that one receives what they give in thoughts, deeds, and words. What one says to others will eventually be said to them, and what one wishes for others, they are wishing for themselves.
  10. The Divine Design is each person’s unique perfect expression held in Divine Mind, their ideal path and purpose. It is revealed through flashes of inspiration and intuition when one demands it to come into conscious awareness, guiding them towards their true destiny.

Essay Questions

  1. Discuss the interplay between the conscious, subconscious, and superconscious minds, as described in the text. How does understanding these departments of the mind contribute to playing the “Game of Life” successfully?
  2. Analyze the role of spoken words in shaping one’s reality, according to Florence Scovel Shinn. Provide examples from the text to illustrate both the positive and negative impacts of the spoken word.
  3. Explore the concept of nonresistance as a key principle for success and fulfillment in “The Game of Life.” How does nonresistance differ from passivity, and how can it be effectively applied in various life situations?
  4. Examine the relationship between karma and forgiveness in the context of the text. How does understanding these laws contribute to personal growth and breaking free from negative patterns?
  5. Evaluate the significance of discovering and manifesting one’s Divine Design, according to the author. How can individuals identify their perfect self-expression, and what steps can they take to align their lives with this divine plan?

Glossary of Key Terms

  • Subconscious Mind: The department of the mind that is simply power, without direction. It is like steam or electricity and does what it is directed to do, lacking the power of induction.
  • Conscious Mind: Also referred to as the mortal or carnal mind, it is the human mind that sees life as it appears to be, including death, disaster, sickness, and limitation.
  • Superconscious Mind: The God Mind within each person, representing the realm of perfect ideas and the “perfect pattern,” or Divine Design, for each individual.
  • Imagination: The creative faculty of the mind, often referred to as “the scissors of the mind,” constantly cutting and shaping the pictures that manifest in one’s outer world.
  • Divine Design: The perfect plan or destiny for each person, held as a perfect idea in Divine Mind and waiting to be recognized and manifested.
  • Spoken Word: The use of words, both spoken aloud and thought, as a powerful vibratory force that molds one’s body and affairs, creating laws for oneself.
  • Nonresistance: A principle of not resisting negative situations or thoughts but transmuting them into something positive through acceptance and blessing, allowing solutions to manifest.
  • Karma: The law of cause and effect, or “comeback,” which dictates that one receives what they give in thoughts, deeds, and words.
  • Forgiveness: A principle of neutralizing negative karma and breaking free from inharmonious conditions through the Christ within each man, serving as redemption and salvation.
  • Divine Mind: Also Infinite Intelligence or God, this is the perfect mind that has a perfect plan for every human being.
  • Demonstration: The process of bringing a desired outcome or manifestation into physical reality through the application of spiritual principles and the spoken word.
  • Affirmation: A positive statement or declaration that is repeated to establish a belief in the subconscious mind, thereby attracting the desired outcome.
  • Denial: The act of rejecting or refuting negative thoughts, beliefs, or appearances, recognizing them as unreal and without power to affect one’s reality.
  • Intuition: A spiritual faculty that provides guidance and insight without explanation, pointing the way to right decisions and actions.
  • Perfect Self-Expression: Fulfilling your own Divine Design through health, wealth, love, and divine connection.

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