The document “iam.pdf” comprises a series of discourses delivered primarily by the Ascended Master Saint Germain between 1932 and 1935. These discourses focus on the “Mighty I AM Presence,” a concept central to achieving personal freedom and mastery over earthly limitations. The text emphasizes the power of constructive thought and feeling, the importance of self-correction, and conscious control of one’s attention. It introduces the idea of an “Electronic Belt” for protection and the need for the individual to consciously create and qualify their reality through the “I AM” principle. The later discourses include messages from other Ascended Masters, such as Jesus and Arcturus, expanding on the application of these principles and the divine assistance available to humanity. The texts offer guidance on overcoming negative habits and utilizing spiritual laws for personal and global transformation during a period of worldly chaos.

- What is the significance of the phrase “I AM” in these teachings?
- “I AM” is presented as the direct expression of the God Presence within each individual. It is the active principle of life, energy, and intelligence. When one declares “I AM,” they are setting into motion the limitless power of God to manifest whatever they couple the expression with, such as health, opulence, or understanding. It is crucial to use “I AM” constructively and avoid negative expressions that empower undesirable conditions.
- How can we use the “I AM” to improve our lives and the world around us?
- The key is conscious direction. By recognizing and accepting the “I AM Presence” within, one can consciously direct the energy of God to bring about desired changes. This involves stilling the outer self, focusing attention on desired outcomes, and declaring affirmations that align with those desires, such as “‘I AM’ the precipitation and Visible Presence of whatever I desire.” Consistent, unwavering focus and the cultivation of faith are crucial for manifestation.
- What is meant by Self-control and Self-correction, and why are they important?
- Self-control and Self-correction are fundamental to mastering one’s life. Self-control starts with recognizing the “I AM Intelligence” as the only acting Presence. Self-correction involves constantly monitoring one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions, and promptly correcting any negativity or discord. This active self-monitoring prevents the individual from creating negative outcomes through misused energy.
- How do our thoughts and feelings influence our reality?
- Thought and feeling are described as the most powerful creative forces in life. Whatever one holds firmly in thought and feeling, with the conscious determination that it is the “I AM Presence and Intelligence” acting, will eventually manifest in their experience. Therefore, it is essential to maintain control over one’s thoughts and feelings, directing them towards positive and constructive ends.
- What role does the “Consuming Flame” play in these teachings?
- The Consuming Flame is a powerful force for purification and transformation. It is used to consume imperfections, negative thoughts, and undesirable conditions. By declaring “‘I AM’ the Consuming Power and Presence of every bit of fear, doubt, and questioning,” one can remove obstacles and pave the way for the manifestation of perfection.
- How do we deal with negative influences or suggestions from others?
- The primary defense against negative influences is to assert the “I AM Presence” as a protective force. When confronted with negativity, one can declare, “‘I AM’ the Mighty, Magic Circle of Protection about me that is Invincible and repels from me every discordant thought and element which seeks to find entrance or intrude itself.” Giving power only to God and withdrawing power from outer things is crucial.
- Why is it important to avoid judging or condemning others?
- Judging or condemning others unknowingly admits the very element one is judging into their own experience. Instead, one should focus on seeing and being Perfection in their own world, recognizing that everyone is an individualization of God. Sending love to those one feels have harmed them can erase negative energy and generate positive qualities in oneself and others.
- What is the significance of the Ascended Masters, and how can we connect with them?
- The Ascended Masters are beings who have achieved eternal victory and mastery over limitation. They offer guidance, assistance, and radiant energy to those striving for the Light. Connection can be strengthened by sending thoughts of love, reaching out to them through prayer and meditation, and maintaining a harmonious state of being.
Saint Germain’s “I AM” Discourses: A Study Guide
I. Short Answer Quiz
Answer each question in 2-3 sentences based on the source material.
- According to Saint Germain, what is the key to achieving freedom and what specific action is recommended when you find yourself expressing negativity?
- What should a student do to still the outer self, and what does this stillness allow?
- Explain the relationship between desire, decreeing, and the God Presence.
- How does expressing, “‘I AM’ the Resurrection and the Life” affect one’s being?
- What is the role of conscious attention in manifesting desires, and how is this related to the “I AM Presence”?
- According to the text, how does misuse of the “I AM” power result in inharmony?
- What does it mean to be the Supreme Authority in your world, and how does one repel discordant thoughts?
- What is the significance of guarding against negative expression of the “I AM” (e.g., “‘I AM’ sick”), and what is the effect of the word “MY” in your decrees?
- Explain the peach pit analogy for understanding the creative power of thought.
- According to Saint Germain, what is a simple key to Perfect Happiness and why is self-control important?
II. Quiz Answer Key
- To achieve freedom, stop using wrong expressions of your Godhead and recognize the Mighty Presence of God within you. Whenever you find yourself starting to say something negative such as “I AM sick,” instantly reverse this fatal condition to your progress and declare silently, with all the intensity of your being, “I AM,” which is all health, opulence, Perfection, happiness, peace, and the power to recognize Perfection in yourself and everywhere else.
- To still the outer self, sit down three or four times a day and simply be still. This stillness will allow the energy to be supplied.
- Desire is a lesser activity of decreeing, while decreeing is the recognition of the accomplished desire. When your desire is sent forth clothed in the God Presence, Power, and Intelligence, it cannot fail to bring what you desire.
- The moment you express “‘I AM’ the Resurrection and the Life”—in thought and feeling—it immediately turns all the energy of your Being to the center in the brain which is the Source of your Being.
- Conscious attention directs the flow of energy to manifest desires; where the conscious attention is fixed, there the energy pours. By saying “I AM,” you set in motion the Power that has inherent within It all these faculties, substance, and must take on whatever form the attention of the mind is fixed upon.
- If you misuse the “I AM” power, you will experience inharmony. If you use it constructively, it will bring such Blessings untold that you can but give praise and thanksgiving for the moment when you awakened to the fact that this Limitless Power is omnipresent— ever awaiting your conscious direction.
- Being the Supreme Authority in your world means you are in charge of your own reality, despite outside influences. When beset by discordant conditions, you have to say, ” ‘I AM’ the Mighty, Magic Circle of Protection about me that is Invincible and repels from me every discordant thought and element which seeks to find entrance or intrude itself. ‘I AM’ the Perfection of my world, and it is Self-sustained.”
- It is critical not to use the “I AM” in negative expressions, as this directs energy to destroy your desired outcomes. When you say: ” ‘I AM’ sick, I have failed, ‘I AM’ not accomplishing this thing as I should,” you are throwing this mighty energy into action to destroy the thing you wish to accomplish. The word “MY” also releases the same energy for your world.
- The “Divine Presence,” the “I AM,” is likened unto the pit or seed of a peach; the thought-world around It unto the pulp of the peach. The pulp represents not only the thought-world created by the individual, but also the Universal Electronic Substance, ever present, waiting to be acted upon by the conscious determination of the individual—to be precipitated into his visible use as the form of whatsoever he may desire.
- A simple key to Perfect Happiness and its inherent sustaining power is Self-control and Self- correction. Self-control is important to manage your thought and feeling, which are the only and Mightiest Creative Power in Life or in the Universe.
III. Essay Questions
Answer each of the following questions in essay format, drawing upon evidence from the provided text.
- Discuss the role of the “I AM Presence” in achieving mastery over one’s world and circumstances, and how this concept relates to self-responsibility and control.
- Explore the practical applications of the “I AM” statements in daily life. How can they be used to improve health, finances, and relationships?
- Examine the dangers of negative thinking and the importance of maintaining a positive mental attitude in Saint Germain’s teachings. How does negativity affect the manifestation process, and how can individuals overcome it?
- Analyze the connection between faith, belief, and manifestation, and how these principles can be applied to achieve desired outcomes.
- Discuss the relationship between humanity, divinity, and the concept of the “I AM Presence” as presented in the discourses. How does Saint Germain explain the potential for individuals to realize their divine nature?
IV. Glossary of Key Terms
- “I AM” Presence: The Divine Presence within each individual, representing God in action. It is the source of all power, intelligence, and perfection.
- Decreeing: Consciously and intentionally directing the “I AM” Presence to manifest a desired outcome. It involves recognizing that the desired result is already accomplished.
- Electronic Essence: Pure, high-vibrational energy that fills the mind and body, erasing inharmonious activity and creating mastery and victory.
- Great Silence: A state of inner stillness and peace, wherein God’s Greatest Activity occurs. It is accessed through recognition of the “I AM.”
- Invocation: A prayer or calling upon the Divine Presence for guidance, protection, and blessings.
- Outer Self: The conscious, human mind, often influenced by negative thoughts, doubts, and fears. It needs to be stilled and controlled to allow the “I AM” Presence to manifest.
- Precipitation: Manifesting something from the invisible into the visible, physical realm. It requires focused attention and unwavering belief in the “I AM” Power.
- Radiation: The emanation of energy, light, and love from Ascended Masters, which can bless, uplift, and enlighten humanity.
- Self-Control/Self-Correction: The ability to manage one’s thoughts and feelings, and to correct any negative or discordant activities. It is crucial for harnessing the power of the “I AM.”
- The Law of Forgiveness: Acknowledging mistakes and asking the “I AM Presence” to correct and adjust the wrong, thus obtaining freedom from its reaction.
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