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Abdullah’s Teachings: Manifesting Reality Through Divine Oneness

What if you could step into your divine authority and co-create your reality with the infinite power of God? In the Beginning is a transformative journey into the mystical principles of creation, faith, and manifestation, unveiling the hidden truths behind spiritual dominion, healing, and limitless abundance.

Drawing from timeless metaphysical wisdom, this book presents the sacred teachings of Abdullah, a spiritual master whose insights have shaped the thoughts of great mystics and philosophers. It explores the foundation of divine sonship, the law of thought and creation, and the transformative power of faith that turns vision into reality.

Through deep spiritual revelations, you will learn how to:

Align with the Father within and claim your divine inheritance
Manifest health, wealth, and joy through the creative power of thought
Speak with authority and release yourself from fear, limitation, and doubt
Transform your body and mind by embracing eternal youth and divine renewal
Overcome obstacles by understanding the sacred law of cause and effect

From the mystery of “Let There Be” to the realization of oneness with God, this book reveals how to rise above material illusions, break free from mental bondage, and embrace the Kingdom of Heaven within. Whether you seek healing, success, or a deeper connection to the Divine, In the Beginning offers a blueprint for spiritual transformation and mastery.

Step into your divine sonship, reclaim your power, and manifest the life you were destined to live.

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