Wake up and live by Dorothea Brande
It was so simple, and so obvious once I had seen it, that I could hardly believe it was responsible for the magical results which followed my putting it into practice.
Read MoreThe Art and Science of Personal Magnetism by William Walker Atkinson
In short, while everyone believes in the existence of personal magnetism, scarcely anyone possesses knowledge of the real nature of the same, much less a working knowledge of its principles of application.
Read MoreA Movement within God by Neville Goaddard
You are not a helpless being, but the operant power of God. Seated as you are now, you can move without moving physically because your eternal body is all Imagination.
Read MoreDownload Acres of Diamonds by Russel Herman Conwell
The idea behind Acres of Diamonds is that every person has the opportunity to make more of himself than he does in his own environment, with his own skill, with his own energy, and with his own friends.
Read MoreDownload Above Life’s Turmoil by James Allen
FOREWORDWe cannot alter external things, nor shape other people to our liking, nor mould the world to our wishes but …
Read MoreDownload Ebook on Laws of the Universe and of Life
There are seven Laws that govern all of the Universe's processes of creation, administration and evolution. We will be within the Law when we love, enjoy and value what we have.
Read MoreThe Science of Getting Rich
Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich.
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