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In this course, we bring you tips on how you can be harmonious in the spirit by achieving heights of self-knowledge and self-conquest which, rising above the turbulence of the world, will lift you towards the heavenly promise of love, peace, happiness and abundance.

The troubles and unpalatable things or people that happen to many if not each of us can tend to bring sadness or regrets in life. If you are witnessing lack, sickness, under achievement or resentment, it means you haven’t achieved harmony with the world and haven’t yet fully tapped the power within you.

The course helps you understand how to understand and tune your desires with the most high God, how to attract what you want in life and to live abundantly as God intended your life on earth to be. But above all, it shows the true nature of what successful life is and how to live in content and rise above the turbulences of this world that are sure to be in the paths of your life journey on this earth.

It is important to understand that we cannot alter external things, nor shape other people to our liking, nor mould the world to our wishes. But we can alter internal things,-our desires, passions, thoughts,-we can shape our liking to other people, and we can mould the inner world of our own mind in accordance with wisdom, and so reconcile it to the outer world of people and things.

Though surrounded by noise, we can yet have a quiet mind; involved in responsibilities, the heart can be at rest; in the midst of strife, we can know the abiding peace.

There is no way whereby the discipline of life can be avoided. There are no means by which fate can be ‘tricked,’ nor cunning device by which the great cosmic plan can be evaded. Each life must meet its own troubles and difficulties: each soul must pass through its deep waters, every heart must encounter sorrow and grief. But none need be overwhelmed in the great conflicts of life, for one who has learned the great secret of his identity with the Universal Life and Power, dwells in an impregnable city, built upon and into the Rock of Truth, against which the storms of life beat in vain.

In this course, we bring you tips on how you can be harmonious in the spirit by achieving heights of self-knowledge and self-conquest which, rising above the turbulence of the world, will lift you towards the heavenly promise of love, peace, happiness and abundance.

Thank you for signing for this course on the Secrets of a successful life. We do hope you find it of great value and it helps you appreciate your life better and keep calm amidst storms and you can always keep still, concentrate on your desires and achieve them.

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Course Instructors

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Gerald Businge
Gerald Businge is a sought after enlightened learning facilitator and visionary guiding those focused on achieving their greatness on this planet. He is a multi award winning multimedia journalist, communications specialist, seasoned trainer, entrepreneur, technology developer and lay leader in the Catholic Church. He studied Mass Communication, Journalism & Communication at Makerere University and Multimedia Journalism at the University of California Berkeley and is part of the Digital Development Network led by Sheffield University, UK. He facilitates the learning of multimedia journalism and digital communication at Makerere University Department of Journalism & Communication and supports many universities in new media and digital pedagogy training. He is the founder of Ultimate Multimedia Consult, Yaaka Digital Network, Yaaka Publishers and Educare. Businge is a certified trainer of UMC, Internews Europe, DW Akademie, Hague Academy, World Bank and has consulted widely for many organisations in journalism, media, communication, documentation and technology, including UNICEF, UNDP, Plan International, Enabel, USAID, BRAC, World Vision, Uganda Episcopal Conference, among others. He is a dedicated husband, father, Rotarian and counsellor.

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