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Above all, it is aimed at helping you to find the Greater Self within, which discovery brings with it a realization of absolute security: to bring into expression and wisely use your inner spiritual and mental forces and thus enter a life of overcoming and almost boundless power.

The greatest enemy of Man is not sin. The greatest enemy of man is not Satan. Great teachers like Miles Munroe have long taught us that the greatest enemy of man is ignorance. It is the cause of all destruction. In the Bible, God says “my people perish or they are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge …and because they have rejected knowledge, I must also reject them and they cannot represent me, and I must also reject their children”.

Many human beings unfortunately do not really know who they are, their purpose on this planet and the power they have to determine what happens to them or what they get.

This course is here to show you there is great power (God) hidden in every human being, by the use of which one can rise to higher and better things. There is in every human being a greater Self, that transcends the finite self of the sense-man. This course is aimed at helping you to bring your inward powers of mind and spirit into expression, wisely and in harmony with universal law; to build up character, and to find within yourself that wondrous Self, which is your real self, and which, when found, reveals to you that you are literally and truly sons of God and daughters of the Most High.

We have seen in previous courses here at the Ultimate Masters that life on earth is not meant to be easy but to explore and grow our spiritual self as we prepare for the next limitless world. This course offers insights on how you can alter and become stronger with each challenge as it comes by taking life in the right spirit and acting in harmony with Universal Law.

Above all, it is aimed at helping you to find the Greater Self within, which discovery brings with it a realization of absolute security: to bring into expression and wisely use your inner spiritual and mental forces and thus enter a life of overcoming and almost boundless power.

For a deep understanding, it is recommended you take the course on Becoming Ultimate Masters

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Course Instructors

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Gerald Businge
Gerald Businge is a sought after enlightened learning facilitator and visionary guiding those focused on achieving their greatness on this planet. He is a multi award winning multimedia journalist, communications specialist, seasoned trainer, entrepreneur, technology developer and lay leader in the Catholic Church. He studied Mass Communication, Journalism & Communication at Makerere University and Multimedia Journalism at the University of California Berkeley and is part of the Digital Development Network led by Sheffield University, UK. He facilitates the learning of multimedia journalism and digital communication at Makerere University Department of Journalism & Communication and supports many universities in new media and digital pedagogy training. He is the founder of Ultimate Multimedia Consult, Yaaka Digital Network, Yaaka Publishers and Educare. Businge is a certified trainer of UMC, Internews Europe, DW Akademie, Hague Academy, World Bank and has consulted widely for many organisations in journalism, media, communication, documentation and technology, including UNICEF, UNDP, Plan International, Enabel, USAID, BRAC, World Vision, Uganda Episcopal Conference, among others. He is a dedicated husband, father, Rotarian and counsellor.

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Welcome to Ultimate Masters where you can rediscover the power inside of you and live a more fulfilling life by being more in synch with nature, your body, mind and spiritual self
change your life for the better
things you should grow