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Power Versus Force: Anatomy of Consciousness

David Hawkins’ “Power Versus Force” explores the nature of human consciousness and its impact on behavior. It introduces a methodology for calibrating levels of consciousness, ranging from shame to enlightenment. The book examines the distinction between power, derived from inner sources, and force, which relies on external validation. This framework is applied to various fields like politics, the marketplace, and the arts. Hawkins also investigates the potential applications of this research in understanding human truth and advancement in spiritual growth. Finally, the author uses the concept of attractor patterns to reveal deeper dynamics between the concepts of power, force, and the various levels of consciousness.

Frequently Asked Questions about Power vs. Force

What is the central premise of “Power vs. Force”?

The book centers on the distinction between “power,” which is aligned with truth and life-enhancing principles, and “force,” which is based on coercion and negativity. It posits that these two are fundamentally different energies with distinct qualities and consequences. Power unifies, while force polarizes and divides.

How does kinesiology play a role in determining the difference between “power” and “force”?

Kinesiology, specifically muscle testing, is used as a method to discern whether a statement, idea, or object is aligned with power (truth) or force (falsehood). A positive stimulus or truthful statement will cause the test subject’s muscles to test strong, while a negative stimulus or false statement will cause them to test weak, regardless of the subject’s conscious opinion or knowledge.

What is the Scale of Consciousness described in the book?

The Scale of Consciousness is a logarithmic scale ranging from 1 to 1000, calibrating levels of human consciousness. Lower levels, below 200, are associated with negative and destructive emotions like shame, guilt, fear, and pride, reflecting “force.” Levels above 200, starting with courage, represent increasing degrees of “power,” associated with constructive emotions like willingness, acceptance, reason, love, joy, peace, and enlightenment.

What are “attractor patterns” and how do they influence human behavior?

Attractor patterns are identifiable energy patterns that organize behavior and attract similar energies. Powerful attractor patterns (associated with higher levels of consciousness) strengthen individuals, while weak attractor patterns (associated with lower levels of consciousness) weaken them. Humans are constantly drawn to and influenced by these attractor patterns.

How can understanding the difference between “power” and “force” impact society and politics?

The understanding of power vs. force offers a new paradigm for analyzing social and political dynamics. Principles based on power such as integrity and alignment with universal values lead to stability and progress. Conversely, relying on force, such as propaganda or oppression, ultimately leads to conflict and decline. The book suggests applying kinesiological testing to assess the truth and effectiveness of political policies and leaders.

How does the book relate individual consciousness to a larger database?

The book suggests that human consciousness is part of a vast, interconnected “database” or “collective unconscious,” where all information is accessible. Individual consciousness, therefore, participates in and is influenced by the consciousness of all mankind. This shared consciousness can be tapped through intuition and by aligning oneself with higher levels of awareness.

What is the significance of reaching a consciousness level of 200 (Courage)?

The level of Courage is presented as a critical threshold on the Scale of Consciousness. It is the first level where true empowerment becomes possible. Below 200, individuals are largely powerless and drain energy from society; above 200, they contribute energy and begin to experience life as exciting and stimulating. It marks the shift from negativity to positivity.

How does the book suggest individuals can raise their level of consciousness?

Individuals can raise their consciousness by making conscious choices to align with life-affirming, truthful principles. This includes adopting attitudes of forgiveness, kindness, and compassion, and choosing to give up weak attractor patterns such as revenge and judgement. The book implies spiritual growth is about transcending ego and connecting with a higher source of power.

Power Versus Force: A Study Guide


  1. Explain the basic premise of kinesiological muscle testing as described in the foreword.
  2. According to the author, what is the human being linked to, and what are the implications of this connection?
  3. How does the author describe the relationship between truth and falsehood in this book?
  4. Explain the difference between power and force as outlined in the text. Give an example of each in a real-world scenario.
  5. What is an “attractor pattern,” and how does it influence human behavior, according to the author?
  6. Briefly describe the testing technique used to assess the veracity of a statement and its significance.
  7. What occurs when individuals reach the energy level of 200, and what does this level signify?
  8. Briefly explain how the author describes the influence that addiction can have on an individual’s energy levels.
  9. What are some of the characteristics that a person may express at the energy level of 600, according to the author?
  10. Briefly explain how the author describes the notion of Divinity and Genius in this text.

Quiz – Answer Key

  1. Kinesiological muscle testing is based on the idea that muscles will strengthen or weaken in the presence of positive or negative stimuli. A positive stimulus will make the subject test strong and a negative stimulus will make the subject test weak. This method allows one to test the veracity of different external stimuli as well as test the truthfulness of statements.
  2. The author believes the human being is like a computer terminal connected to a giant database, of which the essence is human consciousness itself, implying that unlimited information is available to us. This means we can draw from a vast, shared consciousness, and have the potential to access profound knowledge.
  3. The book aims to be an objective basis for human values, beliefs and behavior systems to validate objective truth.
  4. Power arises from meaning and principle, ennobling and uplifting, and requiring no justification. Force, on the other hand, is associated with judgment, incites polarization, and requires constant energy input, often resulting in a win/lose dichotomy. An example of power is empowering someone by forgiving their error, and an example of force is firing an employee for being late.
  5. An “attractor pattern” is an identifiable energy pattern emerging from a mass of data, influencing behavior by attracting individuals to specific outcomes. This pattern can be either high or low in energy, dictating a person’s ability to stand tall when faced with different stimuli.
  6. The testing technique involves two people: one who makes a statement while the other resists a downward pressure applied to their arm. If the statement is true (or calibrates above 200), the arm will test strong. If the statement is false (or calibrates below 200), the arm will test weak. This is a means of determining the truth or falsity of a declarative statement.
  7. The level of Courage (200) is the first level of empowerment. At this level, everything below 200 will appear to test as weak, and everything at or above will test as strong. It is the level of exploration and accomplishment.
  8. Addiction calibrates at the energy level of 100. Alcohol and drug user experiences can range from 350 to 600.
  9. At the level of Peace (600), the distinction between subject and object disappears, removing the need for rational thought. Individuals at this level may remove themselves from the world, attaining a state of bliss, or work anonymously for the betterment of mankind, possibly even being recognized as saints.
  10. Genius commonly disclaims itself. Genius is often viewed as humility as it is often attributed to some higher influence.

Essay Questions

  1. Discuss the implications of Hawkins’ research on the concept of objective truth. How does the book challenge or reinforce traditional notions of truth, and what are the potential societal impacts of accepting or rejecting his claims?
  2. Analyze the hierarchy of consciousness levels presented in the book. What are the key characteristics of individuals at different levels, and how do these levels influence their interactions with the world?
  3. Explore the role of “attractor patterns” in shaping human behavior, according to the author. Provide examples of both positive and negative attractor patterns and discuss how individuals can consciously choose to align themselves with more empowering patterns.
  4. Critically evaluate the methodology of kinesiological testing as presented in the book. What are the strengths and weaknesses of this approach, and how does it compare to other methods of assessing truth and consciousness?
  5. Discuss the author’s perspective on the relationship between power and force in various domains, such as politics, business, and personal relationships. How does the book suggest we can cultivate power rather than relying on force, and what are the potential benefits of doing so?

Glossary of Key Terms

  • Power: An energy that arises from meaning, principle, and truth, associated with uplifting and ennobling qualities. Power is complete and needs nothing from the outside.
  • Force: Energy associated with judgment, polarization, and the need for constant justification, often leading to conflict and a win/lose dynamic. Force requires energy and has an insatiable appetite.
  • Calibration: A process of assigning a numerical value (on a scale of 1 to 1000) to a person, statement, object, or concept based on its level of consciousness.
  • Attractor Pattern: An identifiable energy pattern that emerges from a mass of data, influencing behavior and attracting individuals to specific outcomes, either positive or negative.
  • Kinesiology: The study of muscles and their movement as applied to physical conditioning.
  • Kinesiological Muscle Testing: A technique used to determine the truth or falsity of a statement or the energetic effect of a stimulus by observing the strength or weakness of a muscle response.
  • Levels of Consciousness: A hierarchical scale of human awareness ranging from shame (lowest) to enlightenment (highest), each level characterized by specific emotions, behaviors, and perceptions of reality.
  • Consciousness: The state of being aware of oneself and the world, often viewed as a vast database of knowledge and experience accessible to all.
  • Critical Point: The traditional Newtonian concept of causality that postulates that everything in the universe is subtly dependent upon everything else.
  • Truth: A quality that tests strong when assessed through kinesiological muscle testing, indicating alignment with higher levels of consciousness and universal principles.

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