Florence Scovel Shinn’s The Power of the Spoken Word explores the idea that individuals can shape their realities through conscious and positive language. The text emphasizes the potency of words and thoughts, suggesting they act as unseen forces that attract either beneficial or detrimental outcomes. Shinn encourages readers to cultivate faith, follow intuition, and release negativity to harness “God-power” within themselves. By doing so, one can overcome fear, manifest desires, and establish a life filled with peace, prosperity, and fulfillment. The work draws heavily on biblical references and anecdotes to illustrate these metaphysical principles. The ultimate message is empowerment through the deliberate and optimistic use of language to create a positive existence.

FAQ on the Principles of Florence Scovel Shinn
Here are some frequently asked questions based on the provided sources, along with thorough answers:
1. What does Florence Scovel Shinn mean by the phrase “I have weapons ye know not of”?
Shinn uses this phrase to emphasize that God (or Supreme Intelligence) has ways of answering prayers and providing solutions that are beyond human understanding or prediction. It encourages trust in a higher power’s ingenuity rather than trying to dictate the specific channels through which blessings should arrive. It suggests opening oneself to unexpected opportunities and solutions.
2. How important is intuition in spiritual development, according to Shinn?
Intuition is presented as a vital and paramount element of spiritual growth. Shinn describes it as “the magic path,” “the beeline to your demonstration,” and “Divine Guidance.” It’s a spiritual faculty above the intellect, the “still small voice” or “hunch” that leads you on the right path. Following intuition means trusting the God within and acknowledging Divine guidance in all aspects of life, even the seemingly unimportant ones.
3. What is the Divine Design, and how can one express it in their life?
The Divine Design is the Spiritual prototype of your body and affairs; it is a Perfect Idea in your superconscious mind. Most people are far from expressing this because they have impressed negative pictures onto their subconscious. To express the Divine Design, one must consciously replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations like “Let me now express the Divine Idea in my mind, body and affairs.” Repeating this statement impresses the subconscious, leading to chemical changes in the body, improved environment, and expansion into the Divine Plan where all conditions are permanently perfect.
4. How does the concept of “power” relate to achieving desired outcomes?
Shinn teaches that God gives power and dominion to all created things, but unhappiness stems from a perceived lack of power. Contacting God-power is done through your word. One must overcome doubts, fears, and negative vibrations. By connecting with this God-power within (the superconscious mind), one can lift burdens and win battles. This requires giving “right of way” to Infinite Intelligence and stilling the reasoning mind, rejoicing, giving thanks, and acting in faith. It also involves understanding that God is the only Power, so you withdraw all power from evil.
5. How does fear hinder manifestation, and how can it be overcome?
Fear is considered man’s only adversary; it robs you of power and breaks the contact with Universal Power. It is “inverted faith” that attracts the very things feared. To overcome fear, one must use their word as a wand to transmute fear into faith. One must trust Infinite Intelligence, keep their poise, and give It right of way. Face situations fearlessly, knowing “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?”. Answering negative thoughts with words of authority is crucial, as is starving out fear thoughts by not giving them your attention and acting your faith.
6. What is the importance of “now” and indifference to outer circumstances?
Shinn emphasizes the importance of living in the present (“NOW”) and not dwelling on the past or fearing the future. She refers to robbers of time: The past and the future. The occult law underlying indifference is profound, as it allows the mind to be in complete at-one-ment with the Divine Mind. Most peoples lives are a succession of disturbances and it is important to obtain a state of consciousness where the outer world of sensation has no influence. Developing indifference means not being disturbed by appearances of evil, knowing good will emerge. It also entails focusing on seeing only one power, one plan and one planner.
7. What role do words, both spoken and silent, play in shaping one’s reality?
Words have immense power. As your word is your world, you should be conscious of them. Shinn asserts that “life and death are in the power of the tongue.” Our words are tools for building or destroying. “By your word thou shalt be justified, and by your word thou shalt be condemned.” Negative self-talk and destructive criticism impress the subconscious and manifest in reality. Speaking while angry or resentful is particularly harmful. Therefore, one should consciously choose constructive words to heal, bless, and prosper. Affirmations are a key tool for building constructive ideas in consciousness and dissolving negative thought-forms.
8. How does one cultivate “enthusiasm” to achieve victory and fulfillment?
Enthusiasm can kindles enthusiasm in others. Enthusiasm is divine fire and by definition is to be inspired or possessed by a god. Jesus Christ was divinely enthusiastic about the message He had to bring to the Father within each man. Enthusiastically bless what you have, and look with wonder at their increase. “Enthusiasm” creates a feeling of excitement and inspiration that is attractive. To create this sense of divinity, focus on the God-power within you and be enthusiastic over what you have to sell, which can be construed as yourself, or your physical wares. You are your business so become interested and watch the fruits bloom.
Weapons Ye Know Not Of: A Study Guide
Answer each question in 2-3 sentences.
- According to Shinn, what is the trouble with most people when they pray?
- What does Shinn suggest is the “magic path” to manifestation?
- What is the Divine Design, and how does it relate to our subconscious mind?
- In the context of Shinn’s teachings, what does the “King of Glory” represent?
- What does Shinn mean by “I give unto you power?”
- How does Shinn contrast God-power with personal-power?
- What is the relationship between fear and faith according to Shinn?
- According to Shinn, what is “the Adamic dream?”
- How does Shinn connect peace and prosperity?
- According to Shinn, what is the role of enthusiasm in achieving success?
Quiz – Answer Key
- Most people want to know the way and the channels beforehand; they try to tell Supreme Intelligence how their prayers should be answered, limiting God’s wisdom and ingenuity. They want to know how it will be done, rather than trusting that it will be done.
- The “magic path” is intuition, the “still small voice” or hunch that guides us to our demonstration. It is a Spiritual faculty above the intellect and is Divine Guidance.
- The Divine Design is the Spiritual prototype of your body and affairs, a Perfect Idea in your superconscious mind. We must impress this on the subconscious to express the Divine Idea in our mind, body, and affairs.
- The “King of Glory” represents the Perfect Ideas of the superconscious mind, rushing into your conscious mind. This King of Glory puts to flight the army of negative thoughts entrenched in your consciousness.
- “I give unto you power” references that God’s gift to man is power and dominion over all created things. Through a knowledge of metaphysics we are discovering how this can be done, which can lift every burden and win every battle.
- God-power relies on trusting in Infinite Intelligence, while personal-power involves forcing one’s personal will. Shinn warns that using personal-power brings unhappy reactions and never lasts.
- Shinn describes fear as inverted faith, or faith turned upside down. Fear attracts what one fears, while faith attracts positive outcomes, so one must choose to be fearless.
- The “Adamic dream” is the illusion of opposites – lack, loss, failure, sin, sickness, and death, which seem like realities to those “asleep.” It is the state of generic mind dominated by the reasoning mind.
- Shinn suggests that peace and prosperity go hand in hand, meaning that a peaceful person is wide-awake, sees clearly, and acts quickly, while someone with lack is filled with fear and confusion. One is able to manifest the other.
- Enthusiasm is divine fire, kindling enthusiasm in others and making you more attractive to blessings. If you are bored with something or uninterested, then those fires go out.
Essay Questions
- Discuss Florence Scovel Shinn’s perspective on the power of words, providing examples from the text to support your analysis. How can the understanding and application of this principle affect a person’s life?
- Explain Shinn’s concept of the subconscious mind and its role in manifesting one’s desires. How does one impress the subconscious with positive beliefs and overcome negative thought patterns, according to her teachings?
- Analyze Shinn’s interpretation of biblical passages and spiritual laws. How does she integrate these concepts into her teachings on prosperity and personal power?
- Discuss Shinn’s idea of the “Divine Plan” and how one can align with it. What role does intuition play in discovering and fulfilling this plan?
- How does Shinn characterize fear, and what strategies does she propose for overcoming it? How does her approach to fear relate to her broader philosophy of empowerment and manifestation?
Glossary of Key Terms
- Demonstration: A tangible manifestation of one’s desires or prayers, proving the effectiveness of spiritual laws.
- Divine Design: The perfect spiritual blueprint or prototype for one’s life, including health, prosperity, and harmonious relationships.
- God-Power: The unlimited power and intelligence of God, available to individuals through faith and conscious alignment.
- Intuition: The “still small voice” or inner guidance that leads one to make correct decisions and follow the Divine Plan.
- Personal-Power: The reliance on one’s own limited will and intellect, as opposed to trusting in God-power.
- Subconscious Mind: The part of the mind that stores beliefs, habits, and emotions, and that influences one’s external reality.
- Superconscious Mind: The higher, spiritual part of the mind that is connected to Divine Intelligence and holds the Divine Design.
- Word: A tool with power to create and shape reality, so one should choose them carefully and use them constructively.
- The Adamic Dream: A state of consciousness filled with the false perceptions of lack, limitation, fear, sickness, sin, and death.
- Right of Way: Giving priority to, or fully trusting God by placing It before one’s personal will.
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